The Live Gold Price Editor calculates and updates the product prices on Shopify based on the metal prices.

Manual Price Updation

<aside> 📢 Manual Price Updation is available on all plans.


To update the prices manually, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to the Dashboard page in the application.
  2. Enter the latest Gold Price 24K / Gram. To calculate the prices for other gold purities, click on the Calculator icon.

<aside> 💡

You can update the purity percentages on the Settings → General page.


  1. Optionally, enter the latest Silver Price / Gram, Platinum Price / Gram, and Palladium Price / Gram fields.
  2. Review the metal prices and click on ‘Refresh Prices’.
  3. The application will calculate the new product prices of all the configured products and update them on Shopify.


Automated Price Updation

<aside> 📢 Automated Price Updation is available only on the Advanced plan.


With Automated Price Updation, the application can use the spot market metal prices to update the prices of the configured products periodically without any manual effort.

To update the prices automatically, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings → Automation page.
  2. Select the Enable Automated Price Updation.
  3. Click on ‘Save’ to save the settings.