To calculate and update the product prices on Shopify, the products must be configured on the application. If a product has multiple variants, each variant should be configured.

Only the prices of configured variants will be updated by the application. The rest of the products’ prices will not be altered.

<aside> 💡 You can either configure the products on the application or import the configuration using a formatted spreadsheet file.


To configure the products, please follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to the Products page on the application and click on ‘Search Products’
  2. Select the Product you would like to configure and click on ‘Select’.
  3. If the product has multiple variants, click on the first ‘Variant ID’ on the Variants table.
  4. Choose the Metal Type and Purity and enter the Metal Weight.
  5. Fill in the rest of the fields like Labor Cost, Markup, Shipping Charges, Taxes, etc.
  6. Once done, review and click on ‘Done’.
  7. Repeat the steps 3 to 6 for the other variants of the products.
  8. Click on ‘Save’ to save the product configuration and calculate the new prices.

Special Fields

  1. The Compare At Price Margin field calculates the Compare At Price for Shopify based on the calculated product price. Also, make sure that you have enabled the ‘Calculate Compare At Price’ on the Settings → General.
  2. The Tax field is used for calculating the product prices inclusive of taxes. You can set up a default Tax value for all products on the Settings → General.